Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Research Interview #1

Boy oh boy, I performed my very first research interview for my fieldwork today!

I had a mid-morning meeting with a district administrator, so I took an early lunch and headed out with my pink laptop tucked snugly underneath my arm.

I discovered that I could record my interview on my phone, and then email the audio files to myself and save them to the Google Drive, which has made my life SO much easier than to do what I had originally planned. Anyway, both my phone and laptop were fully charged as I excitedly began my fieldwork.

It was a great interview, definitely more a practice, which was fine because I learned so much about how I should conduct my other interviews as they are scheduled.

Things I learned:

  1. Transcribing the audio files needs to be done either at home or in the library. Trying to do it at my office during my downtime wasn't as productive as I hoped it would be because there is too much else to do in my work space.
  2. I have to give myself more realistic deadlines; originally, I had planned to do field notes before and after each interview, and transcribe the audio file entirely by the end of the work day. Now, I'm thinking 48hr to do my transcriptions might be easier on my typing fingers ;)

I learned so much about the district-level of the program I'm examining, and I feel confident that a large amount of the information obtained will be useful in setting the stage and unpacking the ideas of my paper.

As I type this, my project supervisor informed me that a teacher was interested in participating. So I guess I need to start writing an email!

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