Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Now and Later

I've never really enjoyed being in the middle of things, I definitely live in the future (why? anxiety!) and often forget to focus on the "now" because I'm so caught up in the "later."

Ever since I got married, I think I've been a lot better about being present and happy now instead of worrying about the later, but it's still a pretty big issue for me.

School is stressful. I think everybody can relate on that. Night classes are hard, especially when you work an 8-5 job before you go to class. But you adjust and find ways to cope, and mine has always been "it gets better."

In theory, it works.

In reality, it could be better.

Why, you ask? Because I've conditioned myself to always focus on what's next instead of enjoying what is happening. I don't think I've been very present for most of my schooling because I'm always looking at what's next.

Lately I've been trying so hard to implement the notion of "happiness is a journey, not a destination." I mean seriously, I've viewed it as a destination almost my whole life! Well anyway, the minute I realized I was cheating myself out of my own happiness, I decided to change my mentality about life and it's obstacles.


School is time-consuming, headache-inducing, and SO stressful, (BUT) I get to see my friends every week, I'm learning and mentally growing all the time, and it's better that I finish grad school now rather than later when I'd rather focus on other things (like babies!).

Work is stressful and frustrating (BUT) I love working with most of my colleagues, and I'm good at my daily tasks (plus I really enjoy my work).

Case and point!

I know this program will be over in just a few weeks (15 to be exact), and I want to make sure that I am enjoying my time (which is one of the reasons why I blog so much).

These posts are a mere snapshot of the bigger picture, which is something that I lose sight of at times. However, I am choosing to be better and to shine brighter, which means I'm doing just fine!

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