Wednesday, October 12, 2016


They say stress and anxiety make you crazy, for me it just makes it hard to sleep. I keep coming to the conclusion that my job is making it hard for me to sleep through the night, which is weird because things are finally settling down.

Although we start Parent Teacher Conferences tonight, and that's been a pretty big to-do for the last three weeks, I don't really want to believe that it is causing my insomnia. I guess I really just need to work on leaving work angst at work.

I started a new fitness program called Focus T25, and it is kicking my butt! I really like it so far, I even enjoy waking up at 5:20am to get it done. But I guess I should give it a full week before I can expect see any sleep improvement because of my exercising.

I hope I'm not one of those people who always has something big weighing on them.

Maybe another reason why I'm having issues is because we have decided to adopt a dog, and that's a huge responsibility that I'm both excited and terrified about. I've been poured over adoption websites, glancing at photos and bios, researching breeds, filing out adoption applications all in hopes of finding the right dog for our family. It's like house-hunting in many ways, but it should be worth it when we finally find the new member of our family.

Maybe I should just stop trying to do things ;)

Regardless, I think maybe meditation might be helpful right now. But seriously, if I can just get to Saturday I think I'll be fine.

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