Sunday, September 24, 2017

Expecting A Miracle, Part 3

  • What is the first item you bought for your baby? 
The first item I bought for my son was a onesie. I was down at BYU for Women's Conference with my mother-in-law and her sisters, and kind of got caught up in the campus bookstore. Sam is an avid cougar football fan, so when I saw the bright blue 'special delivery' onesie, I knew I had to get it. It wasn't until the next day when I realized that there were two color options (light pink and bright blue). At this point I still thought I was having a girl, so it was probably a good thing that I didn't see the pink one. Honestly, it was BYU blue and I knew Sam would appreciate the gesture. Since then I bought other really cute onesies, but we've been given so many second-hand clothes that he is set for clothes up until he outgrows 12 month outfits.
  • Why did you find out/not find out the gender of your baby? 
There was no way on this green earth that either of us could wait to find out the gender of our baby. I've said before that I thought it was a girl, but boy oh boy, a boy! I had to prick my finger and draw my own blood sample and mail off the specimen to get the info, but boy was it worth the mess in the kitchen and the bruised fingers that took a week to heal.
  • How did you feel during the first ultrasound?
Sam had to work and couldn't come with me to the first ultrasound, so Victoria came with me. I was anxious beyond reason because I was still worried about possibly miscarrying. But then the screen lit up and there he was, spinning around like there was no tomorrow. It was so neat to see him move even thought I wouldn't feel any movements for another few weeks. I knew the gender going into that appointment, and in many ways it was better for me, because I wasn't speculating what I was having.

I love shopping for my son. I can't wait to see what his personality and style is like so we can shop together. I never realized just how much more fun I have shopping for boy clothes in stead of girl clothes. Then again, I'm not very feminine so I guess it makes sense.

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