Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I like to think I'm a good listener, but I notice that I'm not very good at listening to certain things.

For example, I'm not the best at listening to myself.

Like, when I feel sick but I go on with my daily plan regardless.

Or when my heart wants me to acknowledge its opinion regarding a certain matter.

Even times like this week, where I was desperately listening to the spirit for answers to some of my questions. Part of me was like, "I already know what I want to do, and I'm going to do it." The other part of me said, "Just wait. Just listen. Everything will work out."

I guess I'm so incredibly forward with my decision-making because I like to think that I always know what's best for myself. Lately I've been practicing letting the big man upstairs point me in the right direction. This has become a daily part of my prayers. I ask for guidance, encouragement, strength, and understanding of the world around me.

Anyway, I was in the shower one of my mornings last night, and I got my answer. It was such a surreal experience, like someone was saying the words in my head and the voice wasn't my own. I don't feel the need to say what I heard, but I heard it nonetheless, and now I know what to do.

Ever since that morning, I have been at ease. My doubts have subsided for the time being, and I have peace.

Even this past Sunday, I recognized the remnants of that voice when I suddenly had the desire to bear my testimony during Sacrament. The voice told me what I knew I wanted to say. It was amazing.

To conclude, sometimes you just need to pause and listen. You might be surprised at what the world is trying to tell you.

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