Thursday, June 11, 2015

MAT 602 is over!!!

High-ho the dairy-oh!

Intro to Education is totally and completely finished, and I'm absolutely ecstatic :)

I loved the class content, totally and completely, don't get me wrong, but I'm thrilled beyond belief that I only have class one night a week until the wedding.

Speaking of the wedding, we're printing our announcements this weekend. We had a lovely photo shoot with Meredith last weekend, and I spent a good few hours sifting through the 500+ photos to find some up to printing-quality. We had so many great pics, but I was going to be especially particular with my choice for the announcement.

I've got this concept in my mind that the choices I make have to reflect my underlying goal of being classy, so I knew I was being overly critical as I scrolled through my favorites.

I had been on the fence about designing the announcements myself for awhile; I didn't want to obsess about it, but I had very specific guidelines I wanted to stay in. I ended up doing it myself. Yes, I am that much of a control freak, but I liked having the flexibility to make changes as I saw fit.

Anyway, after my last MAT 602 class session, I finalized the design and plan on placing the order tonight.

Okay, back to MAT 602.

Other than the class being SUPER condensed, I enjoyed the subject immensely. I feel as if I've armed my brain with significant knowledge to help me construct my capstone project this fall. However, I'm very much looking forward to attending FHE for the next five Mondays leading up to our wedding. I've felt so socially deprived for the last month, it's time to remedy that ASAP.

Although, I'm pretty sure that will take care of itself with my bridal showers fast approaching. It's so exciting to check on my registries and see what's been bought already. Let's just say we will be doing a lot of cooking, and I'm looking forward to it.

I can't wait for Sam to move into the apartment with me, and know that he's the one I get to go home to every night :)

Reverting back to MAT 602, it's time to back flip around campus in celebration! Five weeks and two semesters until graduation.

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