Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day (Studio C premiere!)

Labor day, also known as a paid holiday.

We didn't really do much beyond our normal Monday chores; I went grocery shopping, Sam did laundry. I had a study session mid-morning, and we baked cookies and ran errands in the afternoon.

But what made this day special was that the first episode of season 6 for Studio C premiered! What's funny is that out of the five sketches, we had already seen three of them. When we went to the taping back in June, they showed us some prerecorded sketches (two of them were part of the premiere) and one of the sketches we saw live was part of the premiere as well.

It was so nice to watch the episode together, and we have a standing date on Monday nights to watch the newest episode when I get home from class.

Love Studio C, and I love watching it with my husband!

PS: Here are some photos from when we went to the taping.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'm excited to see your updates! It was fun seeing you Sunday, and I love the beautiful painting you made for Azalea! I loved seeing your wedding pics, and the post about how your husband knows how to help you with humor when you're sad. I think you two are so perfect for each other and you are such a cute couple! I'm so happy you found each other!
