Saturday, October 21, 2017

Expecting A Miracle, Part 10

This one is interesting because I was totally wrong when it came to guessing my baby's gender. I thought for sure I was having a girl, but I found out at 10 weeks that I was having a boy. Several people said that the blood test could still be wrong and that the only way to confirm would be the 20 week ultrasound. But I had already come to terms with the fact that I was wrong, and throughout the pregnancy I only became more and more onboard with the reality that I was going to have a son.
  • Write a list of possible names including if the gender was opposite (if you know already).
For a girl, our top three picks were Audrey Nichole, Rachel Grace, and Elisa Jean. Other names we tossed around included Adaline, Abigail, Josephine, and Isla.

For a boy, we only had one clear pick, Leo Boston. It never dawned on me to have more than one boy name. But it got to the point where I asked my baby to indicate their gender, and suddenly the name Charlie came to mind. My Jewish great-grandfather Max had a brother named Charles, so it seemed fitting for Jewish tradition to name him after my Bubby's side of the family. Additionally, it means he is also named after my mom and Sam's aunt because his name starts with the letter 'C.'

As my pregnancy draws closer to the end, I find myself thinking about the next baby. I have a feeling I'm supposed to have boys, so we've been throwing around more boy names. I have the idea to name my next son after my mother's father Kenneth Lee, so we are playing with his names as middle names. So far we like Andrew Lee, Andrew Kenneth, Henry Lee, Logan Kenneth, etc.
  • Draw a family tree with traits that you hope will be passed on from each family member.
I can't really draw a tree on the blog, so I decided to simply categorize my family and list at least one trait from each person.

My ambition
Sam's dedication
Mom's big heart
Dad's practicality
Bob's generosity
Lisa's thoughtfulness 

This is a very abridged list, but to list every single trait I hope he has would take far to long, and frankly you'd probably lose interest in reading the rest of the post beyond this point anyway.

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