Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Life with Baby: Week 7

My baby is growing!

CharlieB is currently weighing in at 8lbs 5oz, so he's gained almost 2lbs since he was born. He can now can officially fit in size one diapers! No more Newborn diapers!!

He had an appointment with an ENT to finish clipping his tongue-tie and his lip-tie, and now he nurses so much better. I was fine until the doctor asked me if I wanted to hold him during the procedure, but I declined. I waited in the waiting room, and I could hear him scream. It was better that way, because it was easier for me to calm him down when they brought me back to the room.

Since then he is better at nursing, but he takes bottles like a champ. I love that Sam can help give him bottles so that I can have a break, it gives me a chance to pump and freeze more milk for when I go back to work. Right now he does 50/50 between breastmilk and formula, and Mama plans to keep it that way as long as possible.

Some of CharlieB's accomplishments are peeing on Daddy frequently, throwing up on Daddy (although it was really just a massive amount of spit-up), smiling more, and being able to rotate his body between 45-90 degrees when he's on the floor (either face-up or face-down).

CharlieB, in a word, is Determined.

I've never met a baby quite like him.

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