Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Life With Baby: Week 8

My beautiful boy is growing all the time.

CharlieB can almost roll over (no joke), and is a very determined little lad. Tummy time has turned into a rousing game called "What will he do this time?" Seriously though, he can inadvertently rotate himself at least 90 degrees from whichever angle he is placed on the floor.

Additionally our lives are filling up with Charlie smiles. With each day, he smiles more and more. Daddy played "follow my finger" last night and was so proud that Charlie could visually track it. How could he not smile when Daddy smiles at him so much?

After 7.5 weeks of sleeping in the bassinet, Mama decided it was time to try the crib. Charlie is a very noisy baby when's he is in sleep limbo, and it was keeping everyone up for longer than was necessary. Charlie also stretches and kicks when in sleep limbo, which was crashing him into the sides of the bassinet, resulting in cries and waking up. We just finished our third night in the crib and he is doing fantastic.

Charlie is getting the hang of bath time. While he isn't too fond of the baby bathtub, he does just fine if one of us bathes with him in the big tub.

The house is definitely different without our sweet Princess, who unfortunately passed away the day after we released her to be adopted. We miss her so, so much. My heart was in pieces and I kept blaming myself, even though Sam has assured me that we couldn't have done anything any differently given how quickly everything happened. We held an impromptu funeral for her last night, reflecting on how much we loved her and how she trained us for parenthood. Rest in peace, doggie sweetheart!

Meanwhile, other recent events are helping me grow gratitude for my little boy. I'm so blessed that he is healthy, and that we are a forever family. We are so excited for his blessing this weekend!

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