Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dear Lindsey

Dear Lindsey,

(5 years ago) age 20
Living in the Humanities House will be one of the most amazing experiences of your life. However, don't let all those nerds make you feel inferior because you don't need to pull an all-nighter to finish a paper on time. Natalie will be the greatest roommate of all time, appreciate her whenever you have the chance. Getting romantically involved with Romney is a bad idea, you should stick with just being friends. You WILL have a challenging year ahead of you, but you CAN do it, even though you think you can't.

(4 years ago) age 21
Graduation is here! Way to go for finishing a year sooner than anticipated. Be forewarned, the post-graduation depression will sink in fast, lucky for you, Bryce is right there with you. The decision to intern in DC will bring on the biggest obstacles in life yet. Call Bubby as often as you can, she won't be around much longer. By the way, she is going to surprise you with a graduation trip to California next month. There are many moments coming up when you will doubt everything; every choice you've made or are thinking of making will be called into question. You've got this, even if you think that you don't.

(3 years ago) age 22
Bridal consulting isn't fun, but you do a great job with finding the good in every situation. Those girls may be mean, but two amazing things will come out of that experience: Victoria and a great story. Victoria will become one of your best friends, never EVER take her for granted. As for the story, this next book idea will be your baby, and you never would have come up with it without this job. By the way, you won't be there for long, your first grown-up job is coming, and you'll start to figure out what you want to do with your life soon enough. You will be confused on several occassions as you navigate through this year, but you'll find your way, I promise.

(2 years ago) age 23
You're going back to school this year! You'll be reminded why you are passionate about education, and it will set you on a career path that you hadn't given much thought to since college. This is the year that you'll prove to yourself that you CAN do this! All of the doubt and fear will seem so silly by the end of Fall semester. Also, don't get too caught up on having life play out in just one particular way, trust me, it'll be better in the long run if you constantly remind yourself that you have options.

(1 year ago) age 24
Oh boy, all that change still has your head spinning! This year is full of emotional hurdles, be careful with your heart. There are currently two Sams in your life, only one of them is going to stick around, and he is golden. You're going to officially start a grad program this year, and the people you meet will become your friends, unlike many of the students in the leadership class that you just finished. You are going to succeed academically, despite all the emotional baggage you're carrying around with you. Believe me, that success will taste so sweet!

(Now) age 25
Holy cow, you're getting married! Don't forget to finish school so that you have options to make the kinds of choices that will make you happy. Don't forget to slow down. Life is whirlwind. The carousel never stops turning, so don't forget to enjoy the scenery.

Love, Me

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