People often regale you with stories of miracles happening around Christmastime, but I've often thought that it's just a happy coincidence. Don't get me wrong, happy coincidences are wonderful. But I worry that the word miracle is tossed around loosely, especially at Christmas.
On Thursday, I collided headfirst with a massive obstacle in the form of my babysitter deciding to leave us, with one days notice. I was floored, it felt so out of the blue, I really didn't know what to say. With Christmas coming so soon, I literally had four business days to find full time childcare before school started again.
I knew of a daycare across the street from my kickboxing studio, so I looked up their number and called. The night manager was super sweet and informative, but asked me to call back in the morning to see if there was any space in the toddler class. I was both hopeful and discouraged.
I called five more daycares near my work, but their waiting lists stretched from 5-7 months. The soonest I could even hope to get in anywhere would be May 2019. Discourage quickly eclipsed any hope in my heart at that point.
I perused, but very quickly realized that any of the candidates would cost me 80% of my paycheck. Oh boy. Sam and I had made a deal long ago about childcare, I would stay home if we had to pay more than 50% of my income.
I had leads for two in-home daycares recommend by friends, but I had to wait until morning for information. One was in West Jordan and the other in Riverton. Sam was discouraged because either option would add 1-2hrs to commuter time every day.
I cried angrily, and my appetite was completely gone. I think I went 24hrs without any food. I felt like a zombie because when I was finally able to doze off, the baby cried and woke me up. Needless to say, I only slept about an hour that night.
It felt like the world was over, mostly because for the next 12 hours I was unable to actually start solving my problem. At 3am I got out of bed and tried to keep busy. I did laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and tried to make decisions. There was a two hour block of time where I legitimately thought about quitting my job. I love my job, but the idea was tempting. Not working would mean more freedom to have another baby without waiting to be eligible for maternity leave. It certainly would be a game changer, but deep down I knew it wasn't what I really wanted.
I showered, dressed, and walked to the daycare across from my kickboxing studio. I prayed the whole way, keeping my fingers crossed that I could get on the waiting list, and then go from there. It was 5:30am, and I waited behind another mom and her daughter who rang the bell when I got there. The director let us in, and I asked about space.
Because my sweet little boy was an early walker, he fit the parameters to be in the toddler room, which had space available. I paid the application fee as well as tuition, and promised to bring back the signed paperwork later that day. I copied his shot record, signed the dotted line, and my little family dropped it all off before the place closed.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Anyone who deals with daycare will tell you that this is not how it happens. I especially felt the outpour of love from my friends and family who pitched in to help me find a solution. In a moment, I truly understood what it meant to exercise love for each other. Sweet relief filled my heart as I realized the new adventure my family was about to embark on in the new year.
I grew up in daycare, and my experience defined me as a child. Miss Ann, Miss Shirley, Miss Kris, and Miss Sue were all my moms.
I was so lucky.
I had all these amazing women helping me grow up. Now, I do realize that this may be the exception to the rule, but I know Charlie will have an amazing experience too. He will have opportunity to socialize, make friends, and learn that the world doesn't revolve around him.
Daycare opens up the risk for a ton of other things too, such as more exposure to sickness and head lice. But it is no different than the risks of sending him to school for kindergarten.
We are excited and irrevocably grateful.
I am so lucky!
It really is nothing short of a miracle.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Year 29
I turned 29 recently, and it has been a flood of all the feels.
Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms with aging. But my birthday coinciding with PMS definitely made me examen my life harshly. However, since my birthday is at the end of the year when most people begin to write new years resolutions, I often feel obligated to improve myself and start over whenever my birthday approaches. For this to be the last birthday before 30, and have in be so close to my son's 1st birthday, I was kind of all over the place with my emotions.
As I'm preparing to cross that threshold between young adult and just plain adult, I'm looking back at the era that is my twenties and wondering what direction my life is heading.
At 21, I graduated college after only three years. During that time I made the Dean's List, worked with other students, lived on campus, and then ran away to Washington DC for an internship.
At 22, I started working full-time and at 23 I began taking graduate-level classes as a non-matricalued student.
At 24, life as an official graduate student began as did the courtship between me and my eventual husband.
At 25 I got married, and at 26 I published my thesis, got my Masters degree, and bought a house.
At 27 I became pregnant and birthed my son, and 28 was spent learning the ropes of motherhood.
This brings us to 29.
I often feel like I haven't done anything with my life. I feel as if I wasted my 20's because I never did anything fun. Recently, I've mused this enough to the point where I want to rectify that notion.
I like to think that if something is bothering me, I take action to make it better. So I definitely think I lucked out when I learned that the Backstreet Boys were coming to Salt Lake. I bought tickets and asked my sweet sister-in-law if she wanted to go with me. Needless to say, we are both psyched for the concert in August. Kelly Clarkson is coming to Salt Lake next month, so I bought tickets for me and my mom. Hugh Jackman announced a summer concert the week before our anniversary, so four our 4yr outing that's what we are doing.
I know they seem like small things, but I spent so much time doing the practical things instead of the activities that turn into life-long memories.
Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms with aging. But my birthday coinciding with PMS definitely made me examen my life harshly. However, since my birthday is at the end of the year when most people begin to write new years resolutions, I often feel obligated to improve myself and start over whenever my birthday approaches. For this to be the last birthday before 30, and have in be so close to my son's 1st birthday, I was kind of all over the place with my emotions.
As I'm preparing to cross that threshold between young adult and just plain adult, I'm looking back at the era that is my twenties and wondering what direction my life is heading.
At 21, I graduated college after only three years. During that time I made the Dean's List, worked with other students, lived on campus, and then ran away to Washington DC for an internship.
At 22, I started working full-time and at 23 I began taking graduate-level classes as a non-matricalued student.
At 24, life as an official graduate student began as did the courtship between me and my eventual husband.
At 25 I got married, and at 26 I published my thesis, got my Masters degree, and bought a house.
At 27 I became pregnant and birthed my son, and 28 was spent learning the ropes of motherhood.
This brings us to 29.
I often feel like I haven't done anything with my life. I feel as if I wasted my 20's because I never did anything fun. Recently, I've mused this enough to the point where I want to rectify that notion.
I like to think that if something is bothering me, I take action to make it better. So I definitely think I lucked out when I learned that the Backstreet Boys were coming to Salt Lake. I bought tickets and asked my sweet sister-in-law if she wanted to go with me. Needless to say, we are both psyched for the concert in August. Kelly Clarkson is coming to Salt Lake next month, so I bought tickets for me and my mom. Hugh Jackman announced a summer concert the week before our anniversary, so four our 4yr outing that's what we are doing.
I know they seem like small things, but I spent so much time doing the practical things instead of the activities that turn into life-long memories.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Joint Birthday Party
Today, Charlie and I had a joint birthday party to celebrate turning one and 29. The theme was Winter Wonderland, so I began a quest to use as much blue and white in my living room as possible. Guests in attendance were Grandma and Grandpa, the Larsens, the Shaws, the Littles, and the Spencers.
It was a great little party. Yay for family and good friends and all the togetherness the winter holidays bring. Happy Birthday to us!
We served crock pot potato soup, rolls, a veggie platter, a meat and cheese platter, and chocolate cupcakes |
It was a great little party. Yay for family and good friends and all the togetherness the winter holidays bring. Happy Birthday to us!
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Life with Baby: 12 months!
Happy Birthday, CharlieB!!!!!!
I can't believe you are one year old, my sweet happy boy!
Charlie loves solids, and has taken a liking to baby food pouches.
He walks 95% of the time, and practically runs when he does so. He loves music and dances all the time. He is a natural yoga-doer, and is a lean mean 18lb machine. Along with hating socks, he pulls hats off of his head every chance he gets.
He absolutely loves Nana and Grandma, begging for table food, and babbling in his crib.
My beautiful boy, how has it been a year?
I can't believe you are one year old, my sweet happy boy!
Charlie loves solids, and has taken a liking to baby food pouches.
He walks 95% of the time, and practically runs when he does so. He loves music and dances all the time. He is a natural yoga-doer, and is a lean mean 18lb machine. Along with hating socks, he pulls hats off of his head every chance he gets.
He absolutely loves Nana and Grandma, begging for table food, and babbling in his crib.
My beautiful boy, how has it been a year?
Sunday, December 2, 2018
blink and you miss it
Dear Charlie,
As we approach your 1st birthday (yes, you are turning one this week!), I can't help but reflect on what the last 52 weeks have been like. Additionally, I've thought about the time before those 52 weeks, 39 weeks and 1 day to be exact. How could so much happen in so little time, and could it feel like I blinked and my life happened?
This morning, I heard you babbling in your crib. After a few minutes, you began calling out "Mum, mum!" I couldn't help it, I walked in to rescue you. You were standing up, sucking on the bar of your crib, with your lovey in tow. You gave me your best Charlie smile as I greeted you, because we are both at our best in the morning. We went down stairs so we wouldn't wake Daddy, and you began to toddle around. You munched on your Cheerios, wrestled with your teddy bear (who is your size), and began whining for me to hold you. When I wrapped you in the fuzzy blanket we shared, you tried to bite my face. I've been told that is your version of kisses, except I know you were intentionally biting my face off. It made me think just how much I love our mornings together.
Our mornings looked quite different over the last year. First they were spent outside in the dark and quiet streets as we walked the dog throughout my pregnancy. Later they were spent in a sleepy haze as you nursed by the faint glow of the nightlight in your nursery. Now they follow the pattern of the morning previously described.
One minute you were that 6lb 9oz little kicking machine with a tongue tie and a touch of hypospadias, and now you are about to turn 1 as a walking, almost talking, super lean kicking machine.
Your daddy and I just adore you, we especially love your full-faced Charlie smiles. Watching you become a little person has been quite the experience so far, we can't wait to see what you do next.
Mama loves you so much, my sweet beautiful boy.
As we approach your 1st birthday (yes, you are turning one this week!), I can't help but reflect on what the last 52 weeks have been like. Additionally, I've thought about the time before those 52 weeks, 39 weeks and 1 day to be exact. How could so much happen in so little time, and could it feel like I blinked and my life happened?
This morning, I heard you babbling in your crib. After a few minutes, you began calling out "Mum, mum!" I couldn't help it, I walked in to rescue you. You were standing up, sucking on the bar of your crib, with your lovey in tow. You gave me your best Charlie smile as I greeted you, because we are both at our best in the morning. We went down stairs so we wouldn't wake Daddy, and you began to toddle around. You munched on your Cheerios, wrestled with your teddy bear (who is your size), and began whining for me to hold you. When I wrapped you in the fuzzy blanket we shared, you tried to bite my face. I've been told that is your version of kisses, except I know you were intentionally biting my face off. It made me think just how much I love our mornings together.
Our mornings looked quite different over the last year. First they were spent outside in the dark and quiet streets as we walked the dog throughout my pregnancy. Later they were spent in a sleepy haze as you nursed by the faint glow of the nightlight in your nursery. Now they follow the pattern of the morning previously described.
One minute you were that 6lb 9oz little kicking machine with a tongue tie and a touch of hypospadias, and now you are about to turn 1 as a walking, almost talking, super lean kicking machine.
Your daddy and I just adore you, we especially love your full-faced Charlie smiles. Watching you become a little person has been quite the experience so far, we can't wait to see what you do next.
Mama loves you so much, my sweet beautiful boy.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
70 degrees
For Thanksgiving this year, we hopped a flight to Phoenix to spend some time with the Elmer clan. Lucky for us, the forecast called for 70 degrees, which meant I could soak up some decent weather before the inevitable cold bucket of suckiness that is winter hit Utah.
We flew out on Thanksgiving morning, and it saved us about $200 by doing so. Charlie did really well; I forced him to take a nap as soon as we got on the plane, and he woke up about halfway through the flight. He flirted with everyone, bonked his head twice, and ate all of his cheerios. We landed and went off to baggage claim, only to discover that the airline had misplaced Charlie's bag. I did my best fend off the panic attack brewing beneath the surface, but I struggled. All the diapers, formula, and baby food that I had so carefully tucked into his bag were no where to be found.
Lucky for me, it really was a misplacement and not a lost bag, and the airline brought it to casa de Elmer a few hours later. We caught the tail end of Thanksgiving lunch, and were able to visit with a good handful of people.
One of our adventures involved going to a nature preserve with Bob and Lisa, Jake and Alexa, and Stephan. We packed up the strollers and some snacks and headed out. The nice weather definitely delivered. What a change from the first snow that hit Utah in our absence.
The moms went black friday shopping at Target, where we got baby clothes and then shopped for ourselves. This, of course, was after we got our nails done. It is fun to go out with the girls and leave the children with the menfolk. Nana and Grand-dude decided to buy a little slide for the boys at Black-Friday, so here is the only picture where Charlie wasn't screaming in fear.
For Charlie and Journey's birthdays, we went to the Phoenix Zoo as a big happy family. I didn't photograph any of the animals, but here are some pics of us.
Flying back home was very different from getting there. Charlie refused to nap, the flight was bumpy, and he chose to scream for the last 15min or so. We finally got home around 7pm, but as you can see below, he was not amused for the last leg of the journey.
We enjoyed our time with the Elmers, it is a challenge living so far away from half of the family. I loved watching Charlie and Stephen play together. The next time we go to Arizona will be for Max's wedding, so it will be fun to watch Charlie, Stephen, and Journey interact with one another.
At the airport on Thursday morning |
Lucky for me, it really was a misplacement and not a lost bag, and the airline brought it to casa de Elmer a few hours later. We caught the tail end of Thanksgiving lunch, and were able to visit with a good handful of people.
After lunch at Nana's house |
![]() |
Charlie, Luke, and Gavin #BarlowCousins |
Begging Auntie Alexa for pie |
Visiting with Great-Grandma Sharon |
Family outing to the nature preserve |
Mother and Daughters-in-law |
Charlie's walking practice has resulted in several head bonks the last six weeks, so after he fell twice at the airport and then again at the Elmer's, I gave him some baby tylenol and made him nap for a bit.
The moms went black friday shopping at Target, where we got baby clothes and then shopped for ourselves. This, of course, was after we got our nails done. It is fun to go out with the girls and leave the children with the menfolk. Nana and Grand-dude decided to buy a little slide for the boys at Black-Friday, so here is the only picture where Charlie wasn't screaming in fear.
For Charlie and Journey's birthdays, we went to the Phoenix Zoo as a big happy family. I didn't photograph any of the animals, but here are some pics of us.
Flying back home was very different from getting there. Charlie refused to nap, the flight was bumpy, and he chose to scream for the last 15min or so. We finally got home around 7pm, but as you can see below, he was not amused for the last leg of the journey.
We enjoyed our time with the Elmers, it is a challenge living so far away from half of the family. I loved watching Charlie and Stephen play together. The next time we go to Arizona will be for Max's wedding, so it will be fun to watch Charlie, Stephen, and Journey interact with one another.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Life with Baby: 11 months
Where did my baby go and where did this toddler come from?
My sweet CharlieB is such a busy boy. He started walking, so he is even more "on the go" than he was before. He loves going out to dinner so he can take in the world (and flirt with servers). He also loves to feed himself, but still isn't quite sure how to use the spoon to do so.
Charlie is very vocal, says Mom like there's no tomorrow, and loves to get into yelling contests in rooms that echo. He has two tones for mom; a soft Maaaaamaaaaa, and a short blunt Mum Mum. He is so funny when he lets how he says mom showcase his mood.
He adores cousin Lily, their back and forth grins make me melt! He also can't wait to visit with cousin PJ during Thanksgiving. He is fascinated with baby Pigo (Khal) and always wants to look at him lovingly. I'm so happy he has little cousins the same age to grow up with :)
He enjoys food like PB&J, Greek Yogurt, pumpkin oatmeal, rice and beans, applesauce and Cheerios, and so much more.
We're pretty sure he is right on the cusp of 18lbs, which is great because he will have tripled his birth weight by the time he turns one! We are excitedly crossing the days off until we can give him cow's milk, hopefully that will help him gain a bit more weight so he isn't such a string bean.
Mama and Daddy love their little warrior to pieces. I can't believe the next baby post will be on his first birthday!
My sweet CharlieB is such a busy boy. He started walking, so he is even more "on the go" than he was before. He loves going out to dinner so he can take in the world (and flirt with servers). He also loves to feed himself, but still isn't quite sure how to use the spoon to do so.
Charlie is very vocal, says Mom like there's no tomorrow, and loves to get into yelling contests in rooms that echo. He has two tones for mom; a soft Maaaaamaaaaa, and a short blunt Mum Mum. He is so funny when he lets how he says mom showcase his mood.
He adores cousin Lily, their back and forth grins make me melt! He also can't wait to visit with cousin PJ during Thanksgiving. He is fascinated with baby Pigo (Khal) and always wants to look at him lovingly. I'm so happy he has little cousins the same age to grow up with :)
He enjoys food like PB&J, Greek Yogurt, pumpkin oatmeal, rice and beans, applesauce and Cheerios, and so much more.
We're pretty sure he is right on the cusp of 18lbs, which is great because he will have tripled his birth weight by the time he turns one! We are excitedly crossing the days off until we can give him cow's milk, hopefully that will help him gain a bit more weight so he isn't such a string bean.
Mama and Daddy love their little warrior to pieces. I can't believe the next baby post will be on his first birthday!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
high note
Lately I've been working on creating positive energy, mostly because tension and conflict run wild within the walls of my new school. Recently I finished reading The Energy Bus as part of professional development, and I really learned a few things about myself.
For example, I'm naturally a pretty positive person. But even I need to develop healthy coping skills because of my anxiety. Gratitude walks are now part of my daily routine, and I can tell the difference throughout the day. While I've been striving to add more of this positive energy into my life, my inspiration for writing has been flowing.
Now that November has started, I am jazzed about working on a novel I have been outlining for a few years now. This one deals with family dynamics, grief, and how a family comes together after losing a loved one.
I'm hoping that I can start by writing 500 words a day and have something decent to show for it by the time the month/year ends.
Cheers to ending my days on a high note!
For example, I'm naturally a pretty positive person. But even I need to develop healthy coping skills because of my anxiety. Gratitude walks are now part of my daily routine, and I can tell the difference throughout the day. While I've been striving to add more of this positive energy into my life, my inspiration for writing has been flowing.
Now that November has started, I am jazzed about working on a novel I have been outlining for a few years now. This one deals with family dynamics, grief, and how a family comes together after losing a loved one.
I'm hoping that I can start by writing 500 words a day and have something decent to show for it by the time the month/year ends.
Cheers to ending my days on a high note!
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Fall Festivities
The Elmer's were in town this weekend, and we had the opportunity to go on a few family outings.
We were given tickets to the BYU vs. NIU game for Saturday, so Charlie got to wear his BYU jersey and be just like Daddy!
Three generations of Elmer men.
Later we went to the ward Trunk or Treat party.
The King's knight and the dragon
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Life with Baby: 10 months
Every day is an adventure with Charlie!
He can climb the stairs without stopping (both the basement stairs and the steeper stairs), but will still turn around to look at whomever he has left behind once he reaches the top.
He was such a big boy when he got his flu shot at his 9 month appointment, and spent the time we waited for the doctor just laughing at and playing peek a boo with Mama. The doctor says he is short, but sturdy and fierce. This kid is so lean, it's amazing he doesn't already have a baby six-pack and biceps.
He loves fuzzy blankets, crushing disposable water bottles, walking along the furniture, eating cheerios, and has taken to prune juice to help with his constipation.
He officially weaned from nursing at 9.5 months, but we still have a stash of milk in the freezer in case he gets really sick any time soon.
Speaking of sick, he got croup! On the worst day, his oxygen levels were low, he lost his voice, and he had a high pitched bark going on. We took him to Instacare and they gave him some oral steroids, to my relief he was on the up and up the next morning. After pedialyte and rest his appetite was back, so we stuffed him with Cheerios, cream of wheat, and pears. He is much better now.
He can climb the stairs without stopping (both the basement stairs and the steeper stairs), but will still turn around to look at whomever he has left behind once he reaches the top.
He was such a big boy when he got his flu shot at his 9 month appointment, and spent the time we waited for the doctor just laughing at and playing peek a boo with Mama. The doctor says he is short, but sturdy and fierce. This kid is so lean, it's amazing he doesn't already have a baby six-pack and biceps.
He loves fuzzy blankets, crushing disposable water bottles, walking along the furniture, eating cheerios, and has taken to prune juice to help with his constipation.
He officially weaned from nursing at 9.5 months, but we still have a stash of milk in the freezer in case he gets really sick any time soon.
Speaking of sick, he got croup! On the worst day, his oxygen levels were low, he lost his voice, and he had a high pitched bark going on. We took him to Instacare and they gave him some oral steroids, to my relief he was on the up and up the next morning. After pedialyte and rest his appetite was back, so we stuffed him with Cheerios, cream of wheat, and pears. He is much better now.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Life with Baby: 9 Months
Three-quarters of the way to one year!!
Oh Charlie (aka Boo-Boo, Snickerdoodle, Snickers, Mister Snix, etc.), look at you!
You are the master crawler, and you are trying so hard to climb stairs (but are still a bit nervous to actually go through with it). You scale the walls and often only hold on with one hand. Lately you will let go completely and stand for almost two seconds.
You love solids, but until those teeth break through you can't have meat yet. You love pears and mangos, especially when mixed with oatmeal (or as Daddy calls it, man-meal).
Since you've taken to standing up in your crib, we have lowered your mattress as low as it will go. Teething has thrown your nighttime sleeps through the ringer, but you're back to sleeping through the night again and we are thrilled.
You are always on the go, places to go, people to see (hmm, wonder where you get that from).
We love watching you grow, we're pretty sure you're 16lbs, but we'll find out for sure at your doctor appointment next week.
Oh Charlie (aka Boo-Boo, Snickerdoodle, Snickers, Mister Snix, etc.), look at you!
You are the master crawler, and you are trying so hard to climb stairs (but are still a bit nervous to actually go through with it). You scale the walls and often only hold on with one hand. Lately you will let go completely and stand for almost two seconds.
You love solids, but until those teeth break through you can't have meat yet. You love pears and mangos, especially when mixed with oatmeal (or as Daddy calls it, man-meal).
Since you've taken to standing up in your crib, we have lowered your mattress as low as it will go. Teething has thrown your nighttime sleeps through the ringer, but you're back to sleeping through the night again and we are thrilled.
You are always on the go, places to go, people to see (hmm, wonder where you get that from).
We love watching you grow, we're pretty sure you're 16lbs, but we'll find out for sure at your doctor appointment next week.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
...and this too shall pass
Thank you heaven above, I made it through the first two weeks of school in one piece!
I thought for sure I knew what to expect going into this new school.
This new batch of parents threw me curveballs every time I turned around. Some of those balls I knocked out of the park, others clocked me in the face, and some just whizzed past.
To say the last month has been rough is an understatement. I swear I'm getting gray hair (and not because my baby is trying to walk).
Sadly, I really wish I could go into detail, but this particular platform is not the place.
I know, I can hear you groaning with dissatisfaction.
But honestly, to write about it now would be a bit unethical. Additionally, I don't want to give a third party any fodder in which to bite my rear.
So I will focus on myself instead of what has been inflicted on me. I say that carefully, but only because "experienced" is the word that just doesn't cover the magnitude of it all.
I have exercised many old muscles as we went through registration, but I have also had a plethora of opportunities to grow professionally.
I have seen truly ugly and I have seen true beauty in adults and children.
I have seen entitlement, rudeness, and attitude up the whazoo. But I have also seen kindness and community at it's best.
The most amazing thing I see at my school is potential. The staff, the community, and everyone in between.
I am excited to be part of the outstanding adventure that is to come for this school. To know what could be and compare it to what is, it really is wonderful.
I thought for sure I knew what to expect going into this new school.
This new batch of parents threw me curveballs every time I turned around. Some of those balls I knocked out of the park, others clocked me in the face, and some just whizzed past.
To say the last month has been rough is an understatement. I swear I'm getting gray hair (and not because my baby is trying to walk).
Sadly, I really wish I could go into detail, but this particular platform is not the place.
I know, I can hear you groaning with dissatisfaction.
But honestly, to write about it now would be a bit unethical. Additionally, I don't want to give a third party any fodder in which to bite my rear.
So I will focus on myself instead of what has been inflicted on me. I say that carefully, but only because "experienced" is the word that just doesn't cover the magnitude of it all.
I have exercised many old muscles as we went through registration, but I have also had a plethora of opportunities to grow professionally.
I have seen truly ugly and I have seen true beauty in adults and children.
I have seen entitlement, rudeness, and attitude up the whazoo. But I have also seen kindness and community at it's best.
The most amazing thing I see at my school is potential. The staff, the community, and everyone in between.
I am excited to be part of the outstanding adventure that is to come for this school. To know what could be and compare it to what is, it really is wonderful.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
I remember that first weekend after Charlie was born. I was exhausted, physically sore, and my hormones were a mess. I remember the slew of family members who came to visit while we were at the hospital and when we came home.
Tyler and Lorena came to visit the Sunday after we got home from the hospital. I remember how they nonchalantly delivered the news that they were going to have a baby. It all seemed so surreal at the time. My kid brother, a dad? Sure, all right.
As I watched my own baby grow, I watched Lorena's belly grow.
My nephew decided that he was in no rush to vacate his baby-cave, so they evicted him at 41 weeks and 3 days.
Khal James Larsen was born on Monday August 14.
I examined him closely, scanning for similarities between he and Charlie. Regardless of what I was looking for, I can tell you exactly what I saw.
A beautiful little miracle.
I can't believe my baby brother is a dad!
As I watched my own baby grow, I watched Lorena's belly grow.
My nephew decided that he was in no rush to vacate his baby-cave, so they evicted him at 41 weeks and 3 days.
Khal James Larsen was born on Monday August 14.
I examined him closely, scanning for similarities between he and Charlie. Regardless of what I was looking for, I can tell you exactly what I saw.
A beautiful little miracle.
I can't believe my baby brother is a dad!
Monday, August 6, 2018
Life with Baby: 8 Months
Shut up.
Dude, you are NOT 2/3 of the way to your 1st birthday.
At 8 months old, CharlieB has survived his first real illness in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Mama was the one who struggled with it more than he did it seems. But by day three the fever broke, and one week later the large blisters had deflated and popped. Let's not repeat this feat anytime soon.
He started scooting around, and within two weeks he was full fledged crawling on all fours. He crawls EVERYWHERE! He has already started pulling DVDs off the bookshelf and was recently spotted attempting to climb the stairs. Just last weekend he began climbing up people so that he could stand. I'm not ready for that just yet.
Solid foods are still being introduced; he will eat sweet potatoes, rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, butternut squash, carrots, pears, and bananas. Fruits tend to bring about faces of yuck, but hopefully he will get used to it when mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal.
He is just over 15lbs, which means he is still a shrimpo in the bottom 2%, but I swear he is all muscle.
He LOVES to make noise and babble. Dada is his favorite word, but Mama is his word of choice when he's angry. Lately he will wake up between 3:30-5am and play in his crib. He is simply dumbfounded when Mama catches him doing this, but hasn't quite realized that if he can hear his rattle rattling, then Mama can also.
He is the master of the cobra yoga pose, as well as planking. He still kicks like there's no tomorrow, which means he will probably be a soccer player or kick boxer. When he gets bigger he can do yoga and kick box with Mama! When he sleeps he is all over the place, back, front, side, butt up, holding his lovey, and sometimes he'll manage to get himself stuck. Oh boy.
Dude, you are NOT 2/3 of the way to your 1st birthday.
At 8 months old, CharlieB has survived his first real illness in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Mama was the one who struggled with it more than he did it seems. But by day three the fever broke, and one week later the large blisters had deflated and popped. Let's not repeat this feat anytime soon.
He started scooting around, and within two weeks he was full fledged crawling on all fours. He crawls EVERYWHERE! He has already started pulling DVDs off the bookshelf and was recently spotted attempting to climb the stairs. Just last weekend he began climbing up people so that he could stand. I'm not ready for that just yet.
Solid foods are still being introduced; he will eat sweet potatoes, rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, butternut squash, carrots, pears, and bananas. Fruits tend to bring about faces of yuck, but hopefully he will get used to it when mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal.
He is just over 15lbs, which means he is still a shrimpo in the bottom 2%, but I swear he is all muscle.
He LOVES to make noise and babble. Dada is his favorite word, but Mama is his word of choice when he's angry. Lately he will wake up between 3:30-5am and play in his crib. He is simply dumbfounded when Mama catches him doing this, but hasn't quite realized that if he can hear his rattle rattling, then Mama can also.
He is the master of the cobra yoga pose, as well as planking. He still kicks like there's no tomorrow, which means he will probably be a soccer player or kick boxer. When he gets bigger he can do yoga and kick box with Mama! When he sleeps he is all over the place, back, front, side, butt up, holding his lovey, and sometimes he'll manage to get himself stuck. Oh boy.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Then and Now
Two years ago, I was doing exactly what I am doing now.
It was my first year as an elementary school secretary. Now it's my first year at a new school in a new district.
It is just as overwhelming as it was then, only now I have the confidence. I know how to run an elementary school. I understand systems, policy, program nuance, etc. I get the financial element, the student interaction, and the teacher liason-ing.
Going to my new school was unexpected.
I didn't think I would continue to be an elementary school secretary. I thought for sure I would end up back in higher education.
I followed my principal, also something I didn't anticipate.
But each day, as I sort through the chaos that is this new office, I feel like I ended up where I need to be.
It's amazing the difference two years can make.
It was my first year as an elementary school secretary. Now it's my first year at a new school in a new district.
It is just as overwhelming as it was then, only now I have the confidence. I know how to run an elementary school. I understand systems, policy, program nuance, etc. I get the financial element, the student interaction, and the teacher liason-ing.
Going to my new school was unexpected.
I didn't think I would continue to be an elementary school secretary. I thought for sure I would end up back in higher education.
I followed my principal, also something I didn't anticipate.
But each day, as I sort through the chaos that is this new office, I feel like I ended up where I need to be.
It's amazing the difference two years can make.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Going Forward
Dear Charlie,
The last two weeks have been chalk full of family. The Dunn's came to visit, family dinners were had, and the Barlow family reunion happened in Joseph, UT.
Being surrounded by loved ones was so much fun, especially for me to watch you interact with various cousins. What wasn't fun was watching you deal with your first real sickness, in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Your beautiful and busy hands erupted in large blisters, and you were whiny and clingy from a few days worth of fever.
Yet about halfway through the timeframe for this virus, you are on the up and up. Your fever broke, and the blisters began to heal. Regardless, I now have realized how easy it is for you to pick up those nasty germs that float around everywhere. But does that mean I should keep you away from everyone all the time because there is a risk?
The answer is no.
Getting together with family is worth the (unknown) risks, as will be attending church each week and going to school when the time comes.
We move forward. Things will happen in life, like sickness, but we learn from it and keep going. This is a hard lesson for me, because it is not the sunshine and rainbows version of parenthood that is the norm for us. But we learned together nonetheless.
Much like what our family reunion meant to me, build on the past to have a strong future, that is what I am taking away from this experience.
Keep calm and go forward, sweetheart.
Mama loves you!
The last two weeks have been chalk full of family. The Dunn's came to visit, family dinners were had, and the Barlow family reunion happened in Joseph, UT.
Being surrounded by loved ones was so much fun, especially for me to watch you interact with various cousins. What wasn't fun was watching you deal with your first real sickness, in the form of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Your beautiful and busy hands erupted in large blisters, and you were whiny and clingy from a few days worth of fever.
Yet about halfway through the timeframe for this virus, you are on the up and up. Your fever broke, and the blisters began to heal. Regardless, I now have realized how easy it is for you to pick up those nasty germs that float around everywhere. But does that mean I should keep you away from everyone all the time because there is a risk?
The answer is no.
Getting together with family is worth the (unknown) risks, as will be attending church each week and going to school when the time comes.
We move forward. Things will happen in life, like sickness, but we learn from it and keep going. This is a hard lesson for me, because it is not the sunshine and rainbows version of parenthood that is the norm for us. But we learned together nonetheless.
Much like what our family reunion meant to me, build on the past to have a strong future, that is what I am taking away from this experience.
Keep calm and go forward, sweetheart.
Mama loves you!
Friday, July 6, 2018
Life With Baby: 7 Months
I can't believe that my baby is more than 1/2 a year old!
CharlieB loves sweet potatoes, rolling from back to front, standing in his exersaucer, playing in his walker, and babbling in his crib when he is supposed to be taking a nap.
He is such a morning person, especially now that he sleeps through the night!
He loves his 'taters!
Charlie loves Max...
...even if this pic suggests otherwise
My sweet boy of many faces!
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