Friday, November 7, 2014

#My500Words Challenge: Day 29

The Challenge

Write about what you know (free day!)

The 500 Words

Since today is basically a free day, I’m going to write about my married friends who got married last month.

I came over for movie night; I arrived a their condo around 6pm, and we immediately began to talk. I love this couple. They are truly the best. We began talking about the television show Once Upon A Time, one of my favorite shows. They are almost finished watching the first season, and I’m currently watching season 4.

Anyway, her and I began talking about dating, more specifically some of my stories as of late.  She recapped a story to her new husband, one she had old me the first time we met. He got a kick out of the story, and then gave me some advice on a recent date I’d gone on. Like I said, they are the best.

I had to step out for a few minutes because my house is currently interviewing for a new roommate, but after I’d shown the house to this person, I came back to finish our night. He was playing a video game while she and I kept talking. At one point, we looked at the screen and this group of buxom women was following around his character.

“Who are they?” she asked, trying to figure it out.

“They are women that I paid to distract the guards,” he replied. She threw him a look and stifled her laughter.

“And why did you do that?” she continued.

“So I don’t have to kill them,” he continued.

We cracked up laughing. “How did you meet these women?” I asked.

“I was just trying to call my horse and they just showed up,” he defended.

 At some point I know we stopped laughing, but I can’t really remember. We popped some popcorn and began watching an episode of Once Upon A Time. I’m seriously the worst person to watch things with, because I talk so much. Lucky for me, they humored me and didn’t tell me to be quiet.

We kept talking until it was time for me to go home, and I was so to go. I loved getting together with my married friends and catching up, spending time together, and watching a good episode of one of my favorite shows. Once again, I’m coming up short of my 500-word goal, but considering that it’s a free day and I’ve already told my story.

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