Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer of Reading: He's Just Not that Into You

This week, I read He'd Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

Let me just say, I liked the film (and yes, I realize I said that about the last book I blogged about) but I liked the narrative for the book especially. It was very informal and casual, much like having a conversation with a really good guy friend and asking him to evaluate the state of your relationship.

If you saw the film like I did, you realize that more than half the time, guys just simply aren't interested. Yet we keep them around because? No clue, I just know that if he can't appreciate my awesomeness then he simply isn't worth my time. What is the way we (as women) are going to succeed in this lifelong game otherwise known as dating/marriage, you ask? Be with someone who appreciates you!

The guys who don't text back, or don't call, etc, may be nice guys, but I have to say that I want someone who can't get enough of me. They should care, and show it! Otherwise, how am I ever going to feel loved? I've learned to recognize the difference between being interested in someone and being interested in the idea of someone. For a long time, I've been thinking about the idea of a relationship, and realizing that without the right person the relationship won't last. I want something that lasts, not simply one great date with that one guy that one time.

I'm no one-hit-wonder, I'm classic rock 'n' roll royalty.

Anyway, I digress, ladies, listen up! To echo my take-away point from Perks, we accept the kind of love we think we deserve. Do you deserve someone who cherishes you, or who doesn't have the time for you?

Thought so.

I recommend this book to any woman who is of the dating-appropriate age, and the sooner the better. Thanks for the insight, dating will be much less heartbreaking from this point forward.

Next up: Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close!

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