Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer of Reading: The Perks of Being A Wallflower

This week I read The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

Let me start by saying that purchasing this book was my reward for surviving the Spring semester, and I can tell you that I knew I'd earned a special treat. Last semester, I'd purchased the film adaptation of this novel because I'd watched it on Netflix more than 10 times in a month (therefore it was a sign that I needed to get my own copy) as my end-of-semester reward, so it seemed to be a fitting choice.

Anyway, I'm in love with the movie because it resonates deep within my soul (that, and Logan Lerman is a total dream), and I wondered if I would love the book in the same way. The answer is: almost!

I love the narrative style of the book, it is all in letters from Charlie to an unidentified pen pal. This speaks to me because I'm strongly considering writing my autobiography in a similar style (I was inspired by reading a letter I'd written in my journal). It's a challenge to picture the character of Sam any way other than Emma Watson, but I think she's a bit tougher in the novel than the movie gives her credit.

My main take-away point from this story was:

We accept the kind of love we think we deserve 

It definitely hit harder in the book than in the movie, and it helped me understand the phrase in its fullest capacity. I guess this book is what inspired the rest of my summer reading list, there are a lot of novels about love (finding it and keeping it) and dating (when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em).

So I guess if I deserve greatness, why do I think it's okay to settle for mediocrity?

Next up on Summer of Reading: He's Just Not That Into You!

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