Sunday, May 25, 2014

Meet Sam

Most people know my dating habits: Feast or Famine.

Yet even during times of feast, I'm not the kind of girl who usually has a boyfriend. Feast usually describes multiple dates with different guys over the course of a season.

Anyway, I'd been dealing with my own relationship-related demons a lot since the end of last year.

Hold on, let me recap the timeline.

About two years ago, I was dating someone. Long story short, he wasn't good for me so I ended things. I didn't start dating again until about a year after that when I moved into my current singles ward. I went on several dates with guys in the ward who were nice and all, but there wasn't a connection and I never made it to a second date. Sure, there was a guy or two that was interested, but I always felt like something was missing from the relationship equation.

Moving forward to December of last year, my best guy friends had found the girls they were going to marry and it definitely got me thinking about my own life and the relationships I've had (or haven't). I'd spent so much time focusing on getting into grad school and deciding on a career path, I forgot to make relationships a priority. After a short time of soul-searching and hints from the universe, I realized I was too caught up in one particular idea and needed to relax.

I switched jobs and got into graduate school simultaneously, and thought to myself, "I'm finally where I'm supposed to be." It was great, I couldn't have been a happier camper after my first week in my new position. I had everything I wanted, everything I'd worked towards, I was finally enjoying the results.

Then I met Sam.

We crossed paths at a multi-stake FHE one week after I'd started my new job. As of now, we have been dating for a month, and I gotta say he's pretty neat. It's so unusual for me to connect with another person so easily, but hey, we got chemistry and we just can't stop talking. Regardless, it makes sense that the wannabe-editor would take interest in the up-and-coming writer.

Sooooo, meet Sam (the boyfriend!):

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