Thursday, October 23, 2014

#My500Words Challenge: Day 13

The Challenge

Write about your day

The 500 Words

My day yesterday was interesting. It started out slow, mostly because when my alarm went off I needed another thirty minutes. When I got up later, I immediately understood that I would not have time to take a real shower and do my hair. Considering that I’m doing my best to not over wash my hair lately, I figured that I could just braid it and call it good.

Aod so I did, a decision that I regretted when the cute Anatomy adjunct came into my office and I wanted to flirt with him.

I got to work and made my list of things to do. As usual, things were added to it throughout the day, and I accomplished most of them. I love my to-do lists. Instead of crossing things off my lists, I highlight them off my lists. Lately I have grown accustomed to alternating highlighting colors (pink and yellow, if you must know), because it makes the list stand out. I feel so much more accomplished when I’ve crossed something off and yet I can still read it.

The stand out moment of my day was when I decided to give Tinder another chance. I used it for all of twenty-four hours a few weeks ago, and realized that I wasn’t ready to date. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting experience, but wanted to wait until I was ready.

Anyway, so I re-downloaded the app in my smart phone and spent the majority of my lunch hour “swiping left” or “swiping right.” Let me tell you, this whole Tinder thing is freakishly addicting, and if you are not careful you can waste a whole hour doing essentially nothing but judging people based on their photos. It seems like a superficial way to meet people, but I figure I’ll give it a shot for a few weeks.

Okay, after I spent my lunch hour judging people, I finished up with all my other work. I headed home and proceeded to make breakfast burritos for dinner and the rest of the week’s worth of lunches. I continued to lounge around my room for awhile until my roommate wanted to go shopping for business casual clothes.

We ended up at Target somewhere between 8:45 and 8:50pm. I was on the hunt for black gloves for my Kim Possible costume, and I actually found a pair of versatile ones in the accessories section. Yeah, they were $13 but I am confident that I can wear them more than once this winter season.

I ended my day binge watching The Carrie Diaries and making a homework schedule for the next few days. Overall, it was a very laid back day, and I wish it had been slightly more exciting. But I enjoy the laid back days just as much as the on-the-go days. Being busy is my thing, but sometimes not being busy works just as well. I need to enjoy going shopping more, maybe it’ll change my outlook on life.

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